November RPG Day 15: Command?
Now we are getting somewhere! The basic idea I have is kind of Chrono Trigger/Dragon Quest mix of being able to select commands from whoever is ready to act, while also keeping range complications out of it – for now at least. Rows might come into play, but let’s get a basic batle engine going…
November RPG Day 14: Displaying More Data
Ugh. I usually type my posts in another text editor and paste them in here, but I was in a hurry, then there was a refresh issue before I saved the draft. Don’t feel like typing it all up again. Lesson (re)learned. Anyway, player stats are being displayed. The stats need to be tweaked, I’m…
November RPG Day 13: Data, data, data!
Nothing really to show for today. Lots of coding out stat stuff for the player characters in this game. And this worries me. Is this going to be good? Is this balanced? I suppose that kind of stuff bothers me but there is really no point in thinking about it at this point. I’m making…
November RPG Day 12: Let’s Get Ready to Battle
Created the battle layout. How big the enemies are going to be is up in the air, but I loves me some chunky pixels. Hoping to spend some time getting the backbone of the system up and running next.
November RPG Day 11: Now You See Them
Ran into an interesting bug/feature where doing a ToString() call from the JSON library I was using put quotes around the text. That caused some issues and was not an obvious fix at first. But hey, the inventory is actually working now. Well, not entirely becuase as you can see the "Stats" menu is ""selected"",…
November RPG Day 10: Displaying Items
Okay, so I am not exacrtly displaying the items yet, but the layout is ready and the inventory system is in place. I did not have the time to plug them into one another yesterday, but otherwise things are looking fairly good on that front. The more research I do into Good Unity Standards™, the…
November RPG Day 9: You Found a Thing!
One thing I missed about coding every day was the moments I spent not coding. Instead of my mind filled with worries of things out of my control, I find myself musing over bits of code I couldn’t work out. And doing so I worked out the way to add unique tags to tiles on…
November RPG Day 8: Inspect This!
Unity’s tilemap engine has its issues. I can’t quite figure out the best way to tie unique IDs to individual tiles. For example, the pot below says it is empty if the player interacts with it, but any pot would do that. Or any pot could give an item once, but then every other pot…
November RPG Day 7: Collisions!
Actually did some work today. Mostly it was spending a lot of time banging my head against how to do collisions until I realized I was forgetting something simple. Whoops. Still, I have a movable player character now, and collisions can be drawn onto the map. Next goal is to get map interactions done, and…
November RPG Day 6: I did nothing!
Shame! Shame, shame shame! It was my birthday. And I celebrated. I did not code. Hopefully days like this will be few and far between. But, like in the Bible, I had needed rest on this day.