While I enjoyed this game overall, it failed to hit the marks I hoped it would.
It’s far too easy.
The ending was too predictable.
The idea of tying level-ups to story events – and extra level-ups to side quests – is interesting. Being able to readjust character skills at any time to combat what you’re facing is neat in concept. It doesn’t matter since the game is so easy. Starting the Bard out with no attack skills was actually interesting! Then he gets one. That bummed me out. It felt like that was the big problem with this game. It goes so close to completely saying, "Fuck you." to specific trends and themes and then caves in and meets it half way.
Okay, spoiler time. Feel free to disagree with me on this one, but here I go!
Maybe I’m wrong. But if you got to the final boss and Verm was squished to death like his brother, roll credits, I would have cheered. Not because I hated Verm and wanted him to die. No. But because it would highlight the idea that the game seemed to hint at: You can’t have everything.
Yes, Verm didn’t kill the Yellow God. And he admits as much that it was likely a different one from the one that killed his brother at the story’s start.
Perhaps this is all my fault. This story gave me the vibes of a book that I cannot remember the title of, but the plot goes like this: A meteor is coming to destroy Earth. This detective has a case. They solve it, but that has nothing to do with the meteor coming to destroy Earth. It ends with the main character(s) waiting for the death of everything they know and love. With all the pain, suffering, and trauma the characters in Small Saga go through, Verm’s "victory" feels hollow at the end. It feels too nice and tidy. When he "dies" at a pivotal story point, we know he’s coming back. When the rebellion against the King is a success, it feels like the story is wrapped up. Having the "catharsis" of "beating" a Yellow God felt too hollow to me.
Verm accomplished so much in pursuit of his goal that his actual goal didn’t need to be completed. His hubris leading to his death – and I would be happy with the other characters escaping at that point and mourning his loss – would have vibed with me a lot better.
But, overall, I still enjoyed the game even though I wanted so much more for it. And that’s okay. I do not regret playing it one bit.
Leg come off.