November RPG Day 8: Inspect This!

Unity’s tilemap engine has its issues. I can’t quite figure out the best way to tie unique IDs to individual tiles. For example, the pot below says it is empty if the player interacts with it, but any pot would do that. Or any pot could give an item once, but then every other pot would also be empty. It’s a weird thing with the way the engine handles GameObjects. It’s not to say there is no way for me to do it. But there are some quirks.

Doors can also be opened now. Wee!

I don’t think there is much left for me to implement in the exploration part of the game, other than getting items from chests/pots/etc. Doors requiring keys is also something I’m thinking of.
Next I think I’m going to work on the battle engine because that is the most exciting part to me.