November RPG Day 1: This will be an MMORPG

Like all overzealous game developers, I have decided this first RPG of mine will be an MMORPG.
Mini Monoplayer Offline Role Playing Game.
This is about a realistic scope, you know?

I booted up Unity and familiarized myself with the tile map engine that was added at some point when I was not paying attention. It’s fairly nice.

I did say this was going to be from scratch, but time is precious and I have a bunch of unused sprites, so why not reclaim them? I’m sure I’ll make tweaks throughout the month. I am a tweaker. Wait. Does that word mean what I think it means?

Anyway. After satisfying my itch for getting Unity going, I started writing out some ideas for how I want this RPG to go. I have to keep myself from making it too big for me to finish. That means I may have to get rid of some of the ideas I have, but dumping out a lot of ideas in my brain into a text file felt good. It was refreshing. Anne Lamott calls them shitty first drafts in the amazing book Bird by Bird.

The idea of me releasig a shitty RPG is scary. But the idea of me releasing no RPG is even scarier. So maybe I should call this ShittyRPG.

I’m not calling it ShittyRPG.

Today my goal is to get character stats lined out and the basics of the job system I wrote yesterday implemented. It’s simple, but I think it has a neat little hook. Again. Shitty first draft. I can make this better later. Right now I have to make it.